Observations from Phil & Fiona Seager on their 32,000km trip through America.

Visited 40 National Parks where scenery and wildlife were incredible.
Only visited 3 cities, New York did not think he would enjoy, but was amazing. Las Vegas, outrageous but fascinating, San Francisco was fascinating.
National Parks what we went for.
People - friendly and honest, no "ugly Americans"., use of language economical.
Flags - American flags proudly flown everywhere, buildings, homes, cars and bikes.
Religion - fairly religious with many denominations.
Proud of history and their Presidents.
Gambling - popular.
Paranoia - conspiracy.
Money - greenbacks, notes of different denominations similar size and colour..
Housing - mainly wood.
Imperial system still used - pounds and ounces, miles and gallons.
Food - pricing similar to Australia. Low fat emphasis but everything sweet. Tipping if eating out.
Clothing - cheaper.
Cars - cheaper. Drive on wrong side of road.
Signs - confusing.
Road-rage - non existent.
Pedestrians - have right of way.
Vehicles - 20% pick-ups. European cars rare.
Motor bikes - no helmets required in some states.
Helmets  for push bikes if under 14 years.
Fuel $1 per litre.
Few rest areas.
National Parks - excellent and clean. Costs similar to Australia. Hook-up power, water and sewerage.
Alcohol can be purchased in supermarkets in some states.
Banks - drive through in colder places. Open Saturday.
Work 6 days a week, 4 weeks annual leave, with no leave loading, long hours.
Wildlife amazing. Bears, mountain lions, wolves, puma, bison.
Glaciers - fantastic to see.