Jeff Buzza spoke to the club on accepting the Push-up Challenge.

The challenge started in 2017 by Nick Hudson and a bunch of mates to get into shape with the challenge of 100 push-ups a day.

In 2018 participants in challenge totaled 1,000.

In 2018 Nick underwent heart surgery and was hit with depression.

2019 saw 50,000 participants and in 2022 there were 153,000 participants who raised $10M

The Push-up Challenge runs from June 1 to 23 with participants required to complete 3,144 push-ups, varying from 84 to 219 a day. Able to catch up, but cannot bank for future.

Fund raising is optional with the choice between, Push for Better Foundation, Lifeline or Movember.

All participants have an App on their phone which sets daily targets, keeps track of daily totals, ability to see how members of your team are doing, learn about mental health, start push-up preparation, fundraising tips and a message for the day.

Jeff found Push-up Challenge through his participation in Movember, Participants can undertake challenge on their own or join a team.

The challenge is good fun, keeping you healthy and fundraising for a good cause.

Jeff accepting club challenge.