Louisa Li a dietitian at Numurkah District Health Service spoke to members about back to basics guide to healthy eating.

Main groups: Vegetables: Use at least three different coloured vegetables per meal. This will provide a wider range of nutrients. Have at least one serve of green vegetables daily for folate.

Protein foods: To meet nutrient needs, have different protein foods at lunch and dinner including 3 -4 red meat meals per week for iron and zince and 2 fish meals per week for omega-3

Carbohydrate foods: Get your dietary fibre from a variety if carbohydrate foods. Legumes twice a week important for gut health. Wholegrain, high fibre and lower GI foods. If using white pasta and rice for dinner, choose wholegrain, high fibre or lower GI choices for breakfast and lunch.

Portion size according to age and gender.