
Bernadette Steward

Bernadette Steward was the guest speaker at Mondays meeting talking on the changes to nursing
Spent 45 years caring, at school intended to be a librarian, but won a nursing scholarship.
 In 1971 commenced at Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, first duties sponging.
 By third year, in ward, on own, in charge.
 Returned to Numurkah as a District Nurse. Then for 10 years as charge sister in general ward Numurkah District Hospital.
 In 1985 became practise nurse at Medical Centre.
 Many changes over the years - in hospital daily routine for all patients was shower, bath sponge before breakfast, pan round, after breakfast doctors rounds, clean wards, lunch, sponge and  back to bed with theatre on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Social work dealing with family issues.
 In General Practise emphasis on preventative medicine, screening and management.
 Over the years medications have changed, and chronic disease addressed differently.
 Screenings for cancers and genetic diseases.
 Vaccinations and immunisations. Herpes (shingles) vaccine will be available for 70 - 80 year olds.
 Emergency presentations and triage.
Other changes - open heart surgery and key-hole surgery, chemotherapy and cancer treatment and MRI, and tele-health.
In 45 years dealt with those who are forever grateful, those forever grumpy and those unable to help, whatever.
Enjoyed being there for others.