Guest Speaker – Graham Cocks (Bright Rotary Club)
Congratulations to Numurkah for taking on Bowel Cancer Awareness for month of May. Screening tests detect any traces of blood you can’t see. If you see blood, go to your Doctor. Program started in 1981 in Lismore Rotary Club, Graham is the district co-ordinator. 31 clubs in the district are involved, 49 townships & suburbs consist of mostly country clubs. He became a district program in 2008/2009 prior to that only 3 clubs were involved in the district, 14 the next year, now up to 31. Rotary scheme 50% of sales are within age of 50-75 price range which is generally covered by Govt scheme. He suggests scans be done every 12 months rather than every 2 years. 41% return rate on Govt scheme – the aim is to reach 60%. 90% chance of bowel cancer can be cured if detected early. Program is encouraged to utilise pharmacies to sell the scans. Sally Rose to be the club co-ordinator. Club provides the kits to the pharmacy, club collects $1 for each scan sold. Kits only have a 2 year lifespan – check useby dates, sell the older ones first. Kits can be purchased for $18.00 via internet, but in May we are selling for $15.00 each. 4,000 die each year from bowel scan, second to lung cancer. Awareness month is May, price through pharmacy $35-$40. Samples to be put in an envelope & mailed off for testing. Results of testing to be provided to clubs when completed.  Suggest an ad to go into local paper to advertise we have these scans available. Reminder letters sent to all participants each year to remind them to test.