Jeff Blackley, president of the Numurkah Historical Society was guest speaker.
The Numurkah Historical Society has been part of the Numurkah Community since 1964.
The vision of the Historical Society is to be a vibrant welcoming organisation committee to preserve artefacts and records of the past for current and future generations.
Using a power point display Jeff showed artefacts and links to the past providing background stories.
  • Aim: To collect, store and/or display and use for research.
  • Society is a Public Records of Victoria Place of Deposits.
  • Record interviews with older members of the community provide insight into our past.
  • Window into History collate artefacts to share our history.
  • Share specific research information with public.
At the moment: stocktaking, digitising of the collection, labelling of display items, regular change of displays with more permanent displays in other rooms, permanent record of our servicemen, opening up of the breezeway to the public, setting up a railway pergola, opening up a tool shed.
How you can help: visit, spread the word, donate items, join the Society, helping with displays or cataloguing.
History is about people, locations and artefacts etc, used to tell the story of people and how they lived and interacted.