Kevin Morland was guest speaker to the Rotary Club. In deciding what to speak about, entered Talk to Rotary on AI Chat.
Generated two page speech, which Kevin read from speaking of the impact of Rotary by collaboration, seeking opportunities, sharing vision and unlocking potential.
Kevin finished by saying AI exciting and unique but possibly dangerous.
Kevin, the newly appointed manager of the Numurkah Golf and Bowls Club, then spoke about himself. In 1998 invited by Grant Duffy, the manager of the golf club, to accept position as office manager.
In 1999 experienced a hold-up by two men with a gun, complied, then tied up. Left with anger, with the outcome of the Golf Club being more secure, and heightened his awareness of happenings in environment of club house.
Completed an Advance Diploma in Club Management and became involved with Club Managers Association.
COVID impacted the club in many ways, and still dealing with staff issues of overdue long service leave and absence due to COVID. In recruiting staff now trying to look broader with older recruits, as well as young.
Now steering the ship with challenging opportunities of a club with 1,000 members in a town of a population of 5,000.