Mark Peterson spoke to the club on Bio-Dynamic Farming.
Undertook a farm apprenticeship after schooling in Nathalia. After a visit to a bio-dynamic farm where he was amazed at the quality of the farm and the animals started bio-dynamic farming in 1987.
In common with other forms of organic agriculture, biodynamic agriculture uses management practices that are intended to "restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony". Central features include crop diversification, the avoidance of chemical soil treatments and off-farm inputs generally, decentralized production and distribution, and the consideration of celestial and terrestrial influences on biological organisms. 
In 2008 launched milk onto market, although more expensive, with most going to health food shops and a quarter to coffee shops.
In a newspaper blind taste test, bio-dynamic milk came out on top.
Bio-dynamic farming enhances the soil and soil structure with humus and organic levels raised.
Producing a sustainable product as the consumer wants a better tasting product.
Bio-dynamic farming under stringent standards with environmental best practices and welfare of animals at a high standard.
Horn Manure 500 is the original biodynamic soil spray and is made from fresh cow manure, buried in cow horns over winter. It is a powerful soil activator helping root development and growth of the plant as well as humus formation in the soil.