Mark Rumble was the guest speaker at the club's meeting on Monday 17th August.

Mark Rumble




In 2007 daughter Bethany, a 19 year old, traveled to Africa, and was appalled at condition of hospital for children in west Kenyan town of Bungoma.

In 2009 Mark went with Bethany to check out this hospital.

People are lovely but destitute and primitive but resourceful.

Children's ward had 23 beds and overcrowded with cross infection causing deaths.

In peak of malaria season ward  has up to 100 children plus families.

600,000 children in Bungoma district with the third of the population HIV positive.

On return started fund raising to raise $300,000 to build a new paediatric hospital.

A 90 bed, two story hospital built with container loads of equipment shipped.

Returning Sunday with pediatric nurse who will train nurses in paediatric care

Current children's ward.

New hospital under construction.

Second story almost completed.

Completed project.