After a successful "scatter night" where members of the Numurkah Rotary visited several Rotary clubs in the area, a reverse scatter night was help when representatives from several clubs in the area visited the Numurkah club meeting. Each club spoke on their club and its activities and enjoyed a night of fellowship.
RICHARD SPEEDY: Rotary Club of Mooroopna. Club of 25 members, will be celebrating 60th anniversary next year. Projects include the Car Raffle which raises funds for Foodshare and other community projects, Back to 80's Fundraiser 21st October to raise funds for a Cambodian clean water and toilet project, and a sculptural community tree project.
CHRIS MOTTON: Rotary Club of Kyabram. Club has 14 members with a focus on youth, providing funding for scouts and school scholarships. Participating in the Mooroopna Car Raffle.
JAN MARSHALL: Central Murray Sunrise Club (Yarrawonga). Club formed two years ago, breakfast meeting 7am to 8.30am, the format attracting younger members. Run market to support projects, wheelchairs for kids, Albury Cancer Centre, drive for blood bank, RSL Home and water purification project in Indonesia.
WAYNE LIMBRICK: Shepparton Central Rotary Club. Lunch time meeting with a core of business people. Club cause focused with annual Golf Day with funds to post graduate courses at G.V. Health, a G.V. Hospice Breakfast Dinner, In conjunction with Gowrie Street Primary School create life experiences mentored by Rotarians as well as books to prep students.
JOHN CRAWFORD: Cobram Rotary Club. The club has a membership of 23 meeting four times a month, two dinner meetings in a hotel and two morning meetings at cafe on Thompson's Beach. Club 70th Anniversary next year. Seeking major fundraiser, swap meet in the past. Organised a recent get together with SES, CFA and RFDS. After a swot awareness 5 years ago, dropped back to two formal meetings, and less formal. Donate scholarships to schools and organise a highway clean up.
RON SAMPSON: Tocumwal Rotary Club. Club of 11 members, major fund raiser is a local op shop opened three half days a week. Raised $80,000 last year. Looking to man gates at local football club games next year expecting to raise $3,500. With grants have made improvements to a creek walk with seats and picnic tables. Planning to support "Say No to Domestic Violence" campaign.
ANTHONY OLIVER: Nathalia Rotary Club chartered by Numurkah Rotary in 1963, has a membership of 8. Annual Show & Shine raises $5,500 each year, participating in Mooroopna car raffle. Maintains and manages Heart to Heart respite home in Barmah. Organises an annual school debate, with view to expand to include more schools in area. Provide school scholarships.
STEPHEN MILLS: Numurkah Rotary Club has a membership of 34. Recent major project was to raise funds to purchase a community bus, aim to raise $95,000. With community support enough was raised for two buses. Rotary donated $41,000 to the campaign. This year a campaign to have 24/7 defibrillators available to the public with Rotary purchasing and installing two, resulted in other organisations joining in, to now have 9 available 24/7. Harry Ferguson tractor project with Numurkah Secondary College to rebuild a tractor with Rotary providing mentors. Unveiled a Soldier Settler Memorial, provide laundry vouchers for those in need, breakfast club at Numurkah Primary School. Major fundraiser annual Art Show. Club has great community support.
During the evening LORRAINE GREENWOOD drew attention to several Rotary projects.
Shine on Recognition Award. A multi-district program to recognise and celebrate community work of volunteers who give their time despite living with disabilities.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award - RYLA, An intensive program that brings young adults together from ages 18-30 to further develop character and leadership skills and learn about Rotary.
Rotary Community Service Awards recognising outstanding service to the community across 13 agencies, paid or voluntary.