Phil Ashton a garden designer spoke on his gardens.

Phil commenced by saying gardening is a disease, and he can not help himself.

Phil showed phots from his first garden a 1 acre block in South Gippsland.

Starting with a blank canvas to create a large garden, photos showing progress. Use of herbaceous borders as wind breaks (and because he from England), cut into rooms. Woodland garden under planted with bulbs.

Phil suggested in garden design look for views and long perspectives, repeat planting in odd numbers, using next door as a borrowed landscape.

In 2011 made a fresh start on a 1/4 acre block in Mirboo North.

Phil suggested if you do not have a green thumb grow succulents.

Three things to remember:

1. Put some autumn colour into garden.

2. Plant perfume or aromatic plants.

3 Plant for wild-life.

When buying natives, buy in tubes.

2018 starting all over again in Numurkah.

Phil concluded with Greek Proverb:

"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in"