Phil McPherson.

Phil McPherson was guest speaker at the Rotary Club meeting on Monday 9th November.
In mid 1950's father and his brothers started beekeeping as a hobby with honey sold to supplement farm income.
Went into beekeeping full-time and at peak had 12,000 hives and became main income earner.
​2,000 registered beekeepers in the state, under 100 hives classified as a hobby, over 300 classified as commercial.
​Now run 500 hives. In mid 90's production dried off due to the drought for 9 to 10 years
​Bees susceptible to disease, in 1970's, just shifted hive, now manage carefully, looking out for disease.
​Paterson Curse has always been important to bees to pollinate, as it is being eradicated making it harder for beekeepers.
​Bees now being brought in by horticulturists to pollinate fruit and almond trees, which is a win win for beekeepers and horticulturist as quality of fruit much better.
Income now 50/50 from honey and pollination.
Queen bees now artificially inseminated.