Club Information
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Numurkah website. Here you will be able to learn more about our dynamic Rotary Club.

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 6:30 pm
Numurkah Golf & Bowls Club
Tunnock Road
Numurkah, VIC 3636
Welcome back to Rotary after a break! We started the new year with a combined dinner hosted by Numurkah Lions Club. 
In attendance were partners and guests. 

We are very excited and privileged to welcome new members into our vibrant club over the past few months. 
Here's the link / QR Code to the Rotary-sponsored 150th Dinner at the Shamrock Hotel on Saturday 8th February 2025. Get in quick!!

Guest Speaker
Sally Rose
  • Sally's vocation of teaching/literacy is still a passion
  • Literacy, understanding, reading and writing
  • Been in early childhood teaching for 40 years
  • Sally met Mem Fox and mentioned that she would like everybody to read a 'good book' and Mem replied that she would like everyone to be able to 'read a book'
  • Communication right from the beginning is a serve and return (listen and respond)
  • Children who are read to, sung to, pick up and learn things more quickly
  • All the things we do with children help to develop their early literacy skills
  • We try to get 5,000 words in their vocabulary before they start school (ideally 15,000)
  • Printed language helps to develop 'print literacy'
  • The signs around the room are a code labelling all the equipment but if you don't know what the code is (letters and numbers) you cannot decipher what is written
  • Children who are read to learn that print means something - consistency and can tell you the story before they can read themselves
  • Book language is different to spoken language
  • We have the opportunity to give children the skill to help them learn to read
  • Sally gave out an exercise to complete
  • If you want intelligent children, read to them. If you want very intelligent children, read to them more! - Albert Einstein

Entry forms for the Rotary Club of Numurkah 45th Annual Art & Craft Exhibition are now available.
Previous entrants will receive a copy in the mail. Also available soon at Numurkah Information Centre, Numurkah Library and Numurkah Home Hardware.
Click on image to enlarge and print.

Guest Speaker
Terry Brennan - Numurkah Rifle Range
  • Rifle range was established in 1884, continuous use until 2005 when Lakeside was starting to be developed
  • Developed to train soldiers
  • As a kid use to ride bike over to the range
  • Percy Saig, Burt Beverley, Arthur Aldridge, George Mclure, Evan Sutton, Bill Carlisle, Robbie Gordon - some returned servicemen were members
  • 1976 became neighbors to Burt and he asked Terry to come and have his first shot
  • Team sport - involved in shooting over a series of ranges
  • Terry showed a demonstration of a target and discussed the role of the 'marker' - kids earning pocket money
  • No matter what the weather you had to shoot, rain, hail or shine, wind, heat
  • Rifles used from the 1st world war - Lee Enfield 303
  • Peter Hallot received the Queens prize in 1977 for Victoria and then onto shoot for Australia
  • The armorer's job was to repair rifles and adjust for better performance
  • In 1964 the Small Bore Club was formed
  • Live bird shooting outside of Numurkah (starlings and invasive species)
  • There were women rifle shooters Bev Braybon, Glad Beverley, Jan Hooker, Yvonne Fowles
  • Two pennant teams
  • Dookie, Katandra, Nathalia had pennant clubs - only Nathalia and Katandra still have clubs to this day
  • Many questions were asked by interested members.

Guest Speaker
Kate Hodge - Fit for Purpose Conference
  • Membership pilot program in Zone 8 that will run for 18 months.
  • The Membership Crisis
  • 10 tips to make members feel welcomed and valued
  • Adopting best practice ( not reinventing the wheel) and share the “Magic of Rotary!
  • AI tools such as Chat GPT to enhance operations, communications and community impact. 
  • Attracting, engaging and promoting Rotary to younger people.
  • Steps needed to turn an information night  into member recruitment
  • Be enthusiastic about change. Communicate, Collaborate and Commicate
  • We must change from a closed mind to a curious mind!
  • Rotarians are looking for an opportunity to give back and serve, to be part of the Community, to feel welcomed and included, see quality leadership, efficient and effective practices that value their time
  • People don't want to join because of poor public image, too busy, not invited, not diverse, don't want to attend meetings or BBQ's
  • Young people, need millennials, they are professionals but low on time and want value and innovation
  • What's the solution? 
All ask people to join.
Be seen in the community. Publicise our success stories.
Approach the community.
Rotary information night.
Be clear on what our PRODUCT (=purpose!) is.
Promote diversity within the club. 
Don’t mention meetings, BBQs or fundraising!
Revisit our website – how can we make it more appealing?
  • -Organise Rotary Information Night
-Investigate members and prospective members interests and skills.
-Find alternate day or time to suit others. E.g. a coffee morning.
-Find out what the community wants.
-New membership follow up.
-Set up mentor/buddy system for new members.
-Investigate Chat GPT.  
-Alternative membership models  
-Be transparent (costs, time commitment, expectations etc.)
-Contact past RYLA, RYPEN and exchange students.
-Share what you personally, our Rotary Club and Rotary internationally achieves.
  • -Move from a meeting-centric to service-centric club.
-Are our meetings productive and effective use of volunteers’ time?
-Need a good BALANCE between fundraising and service projects
-Find an issue in the community that we can support that will attract new members.
-We will move from a rigid to a flexible structure.
-We will increase member diversity (e.g. age, abilities, cultural, expertise).
-Change the perception that “you need to be invited” mindset.
-Final Goal: To create such a positive and attractive Club that community members ask to join our Rotary team!

Guest Speakers
Stuart (Manufacturing Manager Graincorp) & Jason (Stevenson's Engineering Owner)
  • canola seed comes into Graincorp from multiple sites
  • heated to 60 deg and crushed into flakes
  • milled and then pressed with oil removed
  • solvents then used to remove the rest of the oil content (used for biofuel)
  • canola meal is a by product which is used for stockfeed
  • 700 ton of oil produced/day
  • 1500 ton seed/day processed
  • 800 ton meal/day
  • 140 trucks/day
  • canola can be blended with sunflower and palm oil for food production purposes
  • the plant works from 6 am - 10 pm daily
  • 61 employees at site
  • there are 4 shifts/day, 12hrs in length with 5 people/shift
  • non GM canola seed used only and is tested prior to receival
  • products are exported to Indonesia 
  • Halal and Kosher certified
  • The site is using environmentally friendly equipment and is looking to the future for further energy saving resources and technology
one of the main advances is the instillation of the bio-filter which reduces the odour produced by the production processes

Guest Speaker
Brett Lancaster
* Won Olympic Gold Medal in Athens 2004!
* Grandmother brought Brett up after mother suffered from PND
* Grandfather died before born but was a strong man, suffered from PTSD post war
* Thinking about family history and how that relates to life
* Looking back at how parents were able to bring up the kids and support their sports and life
* GV community gave so much to support Brett's career 
* Thankful to community for supporting career and family
* Visited family gravestones in Newcastle UK to come full circle to where he is today
* Went to AIS straight out of high school
* Competed in Sydney Olympics - finished 5th and was disappointed, had to take a year off the bike and lived life
*Went to Belgium and started professional riding again
Wife moved over with him and 3 other riders, and he had to race and win to put food on the table
* Got a contract with a Pro team in Tuscany with more pay and easier life
* Made a decision leading up to Olympics at Athens and didn't want family or friends there so he   could concentrate on winning - this decision made celebrating win very emotional
* Road 7 Tour de France - Lance Armstrong was also racing at the time
* In career was known as a Lead Out Man - 2009 biggest victory with lots of mates on podium
* Also rode with Cadell Evans
* Had a 15 yearlong professional career
* Noted to be one of the best 'workers' in the world
* Cycling career ended in 2015 out of contract, was also looking to get into Directing at the time
* Was offered a sports Director job at a friend's wedding in one of the biggest teams in the world -  Sky Racing
* Spent 7 years in the role, was pretty stressful work but was very successful team during his   directorship
* Working with the best athletes in the world gives a 'buzz' not replicated in any other areas back home
* Been tough to come back home, missing overseas life, now exercising (riding & running) and bought business and now is part of his new life!
* Nutrition, fueling, sleep and aerodynamics are the biggest changes in cycling today 
* There were many, many questions asked by members and guests!

Melbourne Cup Eve Social Night
Members and Guests were treated with a beautiful evening of fun and fellowship at Megsy & Sue's Open Garden worthy property!
A beautiful meal, Melbourne Cup Sweep and Fashions on the Field were enjoyed by all.
Mr & Mrs 'we scrub up well' Hodge won Best Dressed man & woman!
Honorary mention to John Watson!
Linda Watson won best hat!
Congratulations to John and Linda Watson on celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary on the night!
Melbourne Cup Sweeps horses were drawn and winners announced next Monday Night!

The count-down is on! Only 4 days to go.
Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
All eight gardens can be visited for $20, payable at the first garden visited. Gardens can be viewed in any order and can be re-visited over the weekend if desired. A map and directions will be supplied.
Gardens open for inspection 10am to 4pm both days.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
The Sampson's, 645 Pinnuck Road, Strathmerton. When purchased 6 years ago, the house and garden were neglected and run down. Work has been done over the last 5 years, a therapy for Maureen following open heart surgery. One plant morphed into thousands. The garden is eclectic, full of David's handy work and Maureen's mosaics. It boasts an array of natives, salvias and roses, as well as an interesting vegetable and fruit growing area. Pet alpacas, sheep, chickens, budgies, a cat and a dog all live in their "happy place" and piece of rural paradise.
Previous previews: Sue Church posted 24th October; The Olde Creamery posted 26th October, The Stammer's 27th October, Ford's 29th October, Ashton's 31st October, Handford's 2nd November, Smith's 3rd November.

Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
All eight gardens can be visited for $20, payable at the first garden visited. Gardens can be viewed in any order and can be re-visited over the weekend if desired. A map and directions will be supplied.
Gardens open for inspection 10am to 4pm both days.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
The Smith's, 1036 Hendys Road, Numurkah. In 2011 the Smiths raised the house and garden area 800mm, to be above flood level. The garden beds have hardy plants and natives, plus cuttings from other gardens. The first construction was the rotunda surrounded by gravel paths, large rocks and a firepit area. Antiques, farm machinery, art sculptures and a pioneer wagon have been added to this beautiful rural oasis. A pioneer hut, a mock wall to replicate Cobb & Co Stables with an Inn and a wandering path to a small redgum plantation, all making the garden a pleasure to visit.

Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
The Handford's, 1658 Lorenz Road, Numurkah. Enjoy Rebecca's well established, low maintenance Australian native garden with meandering stretches of lawn opening into garden rooms. There is an artificial lake that acts as a water recycle system and is overlooked by an attractive gazebo encased in banksia roses. Garden ornaments are strategically placed throughout, sitting comfortably in their tranquil, rural environment.
Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
The Ashton's, 2-4 Corke Street, Numurkah. The garden has a beautiful, well-designed framework when purchased in late 2019. Lauris and Graeme removed a rampant wisteria, replaced the cubby house with a container that was converted into a studio/mosaic workspace, and refurbished the pool surrounds. It is essentially a green garden with seasonal colour accents provided roses, iris and citrus, mosaic pots, creations and objects collected over time. Infrastructure painted different shades of blue add to the Mediterranean feel around the pool area. Part of the unfenced front garden is planted with Australian natives to blend with the native trees over the road on the golf course.
Previous previews: Sue Church posted 24th October; The Olde Creamery posted 26th October, The Stammer's 27th October, Ford's 29th October.
Celebrating Victorian Seniors Festival, Numurkah Community Learning Centre held a Seniors Lunch, funded by Moira Shire. Entertainment provided by Numurkah Ukulele Group with catering by the Rotary Club of Numurkah.

Induction of New Member Ashley Williams
The evening at Rob & Narelle Graham's was also marked by the induction of new member Ashley Williams, supported by his wife Therese Williams. Ashley was inducted by President Linda and introduced by Rotarian Geoff Holmes.
Welcome to the WIlliam's to the Rotary Club of Numurkah
Rob & Narelle Graham guest speakers at Rotary meeting help in renovated shearing shed.
• Rob's great, great grandfather George Graham relocated from Scotland to Moira Shire in 1856
• George became the1st President of the Moira Shire, Agricultural Society member, Member of Parliament and the Water Minister.
• Rob's grandfather farmed at Wunghnu and his father farmed in Dookie prior to purchasing current farm off Don Gordon
• Rob is a 5th generation farmer
• There was no irrigation back in the beginning
• Rob left school to farm with Don and was working over 3,000 acres which included leased and sharefarm arrangements of mixed farming businesses
• Rob & Narelle moved to current farm in 1998 and have 3 children
• They now run 1,200 acres of cropping
• Narelle's grandfather was also a farmer
• None of their children are interested in farming
• They currently employ David Hodge as their 'farm Manager'
• The venue of the shearing shed where our meeting was renovated at the start of Covid by Narelle's uncle and David Hodge
• The original shed was thought to be built in 1961/62
• It is now the 'event shed' where birthdays, weddings and celebrations are held
• Don Graham & Geoff Stewart (both fathers) were active Rotarians (Geoff S still active member)
Narelle read a beautiful poem penned by her niece's husband Brendan on their wedding Day earlier this year.

Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
The Ford's, 18 Brooke Court, Numurkah. The garden was on display 2 years ago and we are thrilled to share Adrian and Karen's garden again. It has a wonderful display of 2 garden types: an owner built 26-year-old tropical fernery area and an extensive native garden, surrounding rustic Australian history. There is a 4-metre cascading waterfall and plenty of relaxing areas to reminisce and enjoy the day with family and friends.
Previous previews: Sue Church posted 24th October; The Olde Creamery posted 26th October, The Stammer's 27th October.

Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted. The Stammers 17 Tocumwal Road, Numurkah. downsizing a house and garden has been a challenge and very rewarding. Heather and John's front garden reflect the era of the house with bulbs, self-seeding plants, old fashioned shrubs and plants that you will recognise. The back garden is quite different. It consists mainly of herbs, vegetables, and native plants that attract honey-eating native birds.
Previous previews: Sue Church posted 24th October; The Olde Creamery posted 26th October.

Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
The Olde Creamery 1333 Rendell's Road, Numurkah established in 2016,is a rustic farm stay, a microfarm with gardens specializing in dahlias. The 3 acre property is a small scale hobby farm with a peaceful English cottage garden surrounding the house. Roses, irisis, unique dahlias, market garden flowers and subtropical specias are abundant. Gareth and Jamie sell small bouquets, dahlia tubers, and live plants, plus condiments and pantry items, some of which will be for sale over the weekend. They are the proud recipient of the Moira Shire Excellence in Horticulture Award this year, and excited to share their garden with you over the weekend.

Induction of New Members
Rotary Community Leader Lorraine inducted Cathy Brown as a member and Nat Carpenter as an associate member.

Guest speakers - Jeff & Gayle Buzza
  • Jeff & Gayle travelled to Kenya recently to Umoja Children's Home 
  • The tripwas broken into two parts, volunteering & safari
  • Umoja runs the safari's (Surprise Tours & Safaris) and profits are put back into the Children's Home
  • The volunteer group was made up of 4 males and 8 females from all over Australia
  • There was lots of fun and making of new friends
  • Jeff showed photos and videos of the compond and and the farm
  • There was a big project started whilst there to build a brick fence around the perimeter which still requires funding to complete
  • Future projects is to build a chicken slaughter house to meet a demand in high end restaurant trade
  • Jobs that were completed byt he volunteers included tractor work, removing old playground tyres, moving cattle, plumbing, fencing, dehusking maize seed, adjusting & mending childrens clothing, building new shelving, repairing fly wire and mosquito nets in the workers hut, welding up gates and playground and assisting with homework
  • The R.C club funds provided a new TV for the boys house and money contributed to building of path between the two houses
  • The farm was currently selling the following items to local markets: 260 eggs per day, fresh vegetables, chicken meat and maize
  • The second part of the trip was a Safari through Amboseli Natinal Park, Lake Naivasha and Massai Mara
  • The 5 cats were seen and was an amazing experience
  • Jeff showed photos and videos of the highlights of the safari
  • Jeff acknowldeged previos volunteers experience as life changing and 'gets in your blood'
  • Jeff and Gayle would both like to return in a few years time 

Preview of the Rotary Club of Numurkah Open Garden Program November 9th and 10th, with 8 gardens open for inspection.
Leading up to the weekend a preview of the gardens will be posted.
Beginning with Sue Church's garden at 519 Fuzzards Road, Numurkah, the garden is 12 years old. It was on display 2 years ago but has been extended on another acre of the retired dairy farm. It was developed from a clean slate to a 2-acre garden of all styles and colours of roses, perennials, bulbs, palm trees, maples and succulents. The garden also uses "all things recycled" to add interest and talking points. The new area is full of natives, interesting nick-nacks and a fire pit.

St Joseph's School visit Numurkah - Combined with Numurkah Lions Club
Paul Arnell principal of St Joseh’s Primary School welcomed members of the Rotary and Lions Clubs to a BBQ prepared by Parents and Friends.
In an outdoor setting overlooking the oval the BBQ was enjoyed by the club members.
Paul thanked the clubs for their support, particularly during the St Joseph’s Fun Run, an event that has raised money to enable the school to present new or upgrade facilities.
The school has 250 pupils with a staff of 54, which included teachers, support staff and admin.
The school provides day-care with Before School Care and After School Care for 50 pupils.
Paul then conducted a tour of the school.
On behalf of the clubs, Linda Boyd and Des Ginnane thanked Paul and the school.
A big thank you to Lou Hamon for the report and photographs!
Rotary Club presentation by President Linda Boyd to the Numurkah Historical Society members -Jeff Blackley, Rosemary Kennett & Linda McKenzie $5221.75 raised for the 150th Anniversary.

Guest Speaker
Dr Graeme Emonson
Chief Administrator Moira Shire Council
Grew up on a wheat farm in Berriwillock (Mallee)
Awarded a Doctorate in Philosophy for work at the Knox City Council in leadership
  • A monitor appointed for Moira Shire to provide advice and a report to the Minister
  • this led to a commission of inquiry - reported
  • Recommendation that the elected council be dismissed, and a panel appointed
  • Panel in place until 2028
  • Charged with full responsibilities of Governance and the reset/rebuild the Shire
  • 3 priorities - road safety (Moira overrepresented for road deaths), water buyback (expected a massive negative impact on local jobs in agriculture), family/gender-based violence (one local area has police spend 70% of resourcing goes on family-based violence)
  • Digital connectivity is a priority for agricultural businesses
  • looking for a panel of 20 as EOI (close 3rd October) to be around the table to shape the future of Moira Shire
  • Looking to appoint 12 young people (12-24) for a Youth Panel
  • Inducted 18 people in 1st intake of Community /Civic Program to enable them to network and build leadership skills (five intakes before 2028)
  • Significant Projects underway in Numurkah - 1. flood levy planning permit about to happen and stage 1 earthworks to commence in 2025 2. Currently launched the North Numurkah Storm Water Management Strategy to open up more residential blocks 3. Last week launched Numurkah/Katunga/Strathmerton growth corridor for substantial job and business opportunities discussion paper
  • 150th Numurkah celebrations underway
  • Australia Day Awards nominations open now, close 15th November
5 types of leaders
  • 1. transactional - get the job done
  • 2. charismatic - bring people along for the ride
  • 3. narcissistic - it's all about me
  • 4. transformational - to make changes, growing/changing others for good
  • 5. authentic - the leader who clearly understands their values and live their life by their values
PhD was over 100,000 words, the single most important thing that people want from their leaders is that they genuinely care about them/authenticity. More than half (50%) of what an organisation produces is directly related to its staff's connectedness to the leadership (wellbeing, fulfillment). Therefore, Leadership is a crucial part of an organisation's productivity. It enables people to do good things!

Save the dates 9th & 10th November!
Things are coming together for our second Open Gardens Event for Numurkah & District. Keep your eye out for exciting updates and follow our page.

Guest Speaker
Michael Tymenson
Michael did a slideshow presentation on the 'Tour de France' trip the Giraffes Group did in August. The trip was a highlight, the whole family went over with Michael along with some of the 'Giraffe's riding group. 
They stayed for a few days with Kate Hodge's Sister and brother in-law. The bike tour was well organised and bikes were hired with their own measurements done to each rider's specs. The scenery was the main attraction and breathtaking. The 'real' Tour de France was coming through the towns a week or two after our group. 
There are many churches/castles, rivers and lakes to look at. 
After the riding tour Michael and his family toured around the country, including Venice and Switzerland. 
There were many photos and stories which made the trip sound like the chance of a lifetime

Guest Speaker
Jeremy Tyndall
  • Grew up in Waaia racing motorbikes, playing footy
  • When 16 yrs old had a crash and run over by another rider and broke his back
  • Laid back character has made the most of his situation
  • lucky enough to be doing rehab in Melbourne and had to learn to live again and get use to being in a wheelchair
  • a basketball player visited the rehab centre and encouraged him to play basketball
  • Over time it became enjoyable and an outlet whilst in rehab
  • Outside of the city there was no disability sports
  • Down the track he was contacted that wheelchair basketball was started in Shepparton
  • The coach put Jeremy's name forward for the under 23 yr Victorian team
  • The national league wheelchair association - tried out and made the team
  • Was invited to join the Australian team - flew around the world playing basketball
  • Moved to Melbourne to study and train for the Australian squad
  • The training was brutal - but it was a good professional environment
  • There were blocks of ten days of training at the AIS
  • The team got a bronze medal in Toronto
  • Was invited to train with the Rollers - the seniors team
  • Was then invited to join the team in 2019 - paid position
  • Jeremy was approached by a French team and lived in France for 8 months - played a season
  • It was really good for his development
  • During Covid professional athletes were given exemptions to train
  • In 2021 training at AIS and was picked to be in the team to play in Tokyo in the Olympics
  • Mum and dad were 'pretty happy'!
  • One of the most incredible experiences of Jeremy's life - to represent Australia was awesome
  • Came 5th at the Olympics
  • You've got to live life as normal and not let anything get you down
  • Currently teaching at St Joseph's and planning to move back to Melbourne and start playing basketball again
  • Coaching 2nd's footy at Waaia

Guest Speaker
Glenice Holmes (McNeill)
  • Grew up in Shepparton
  • Have made it to 90 yrs old!
  • Dad came from Scotland at 12yrs old in 1910
  • Advertising in Glasgow to come to Victoria GV to Dairy Farm, were upset when they arrived as all the dairy farms were given to Australians. 
  • They took on an orchard block and grew pears
  • Dad got a job with Clydesdales Coaches building shop at 14 yrs of age
  • In 1930 after he was married, (mum came from the Hunter Valley). they bought land in High St Shepparton and a grain store
  • Built a house for the family upstairs of the business
  • Shops were mostly family owned and families all lived above the businesses
  • Business was building carts and horse drawn vehicles. The business then moved onto building car spokes and side curtains
  • Dad had a big sewing machine and Glenys job was to hold up the large machine steady
  • There was a farrier within the business as well
  • It was a fun upbringing
  • Went to Presbyterian Sunday School in the morning and the Salvos at night for the bands and music
  • Free tickets to the circus as they used their power and water
  • In 1939 the war was starting, and the RAAF had the recruit camp near the Showgrounds and they used to watch the soldiers walk out to training
  • Glenice can drive around Shepparton today and remember where everyone use to live and work
  • Girls had few career options as back in those days - secretary or nurse
  • Worked at 3SR radio station
  • The Star Theatre held Saturday night dances and one particular night in 1954 Glenice noticed this handsome fellow named Douglas Holmes from Numurkah
  • Got married in 1955 and Doug's mother told him to take Glenice down the street to introduce her to the shop keepers (Brown & Cork in the back door, Eric Lee's butcher shop, Bitcon's, Mr Gunther's the Chemist, Retallick's, Hamon's Pharmacy, Kilpatrick McClelland, Young Husband's)
  • Glenice and Doug had 5 children in Penzance House
  • Mark and Carolyn McNamara bought Glenice and Doug's home and then she moved across the road (begrudgingly)
  • She has seen 7 floods come through Numurkah
  • The Historical Society has been a big part of her life - 60 yrs celebration this year of the Society
  • Knew a lot of the members and were all friendly
  • One day Charles Newman approached the Moira Shire, National Bank and a benefactor and arranged the current facility in 1992
  • Have run 2 musical nights, to help paint
  • Been President and Secretary many times
  • Glenice is a Life Member (the only one)
  • Still enjoying the meetings and want to keep going

Guest Speaker
Rob Smith
  • Born in Midlands area UK
  • Dad was born in Egypt and family lived a 'pioneering life'
  • Mum was born in Yorkshire
  • Parents met at University and never graduated as they left and married
  • 1981 moved to Hong Kong with dad's new position
  • Spent three years 'partying' and making the most of the experience
  • Returned to the UK and was a 'shock', started travelling again with mates
  • Ended up in Israel in a Kibbutz and worked for 8 months
  • Left and headed to a farmers property to help with vegetables and watering
  • Travelled back to Greece with some more money in pockets
  • Kept travelling to Munich as a dishwasher
  • Got back to UK before University as a mature aged student
  • First teaching position for 7 years year 3-4
  • Married Terrico a nurse
  • Had 4 kids
  • Looked at moving to Slovenia but decided on Australia
  • Moved to Victoria with three-year visa
  • Started teaching in 2010 in Numurkah
  • Got citizenship in 2017
  • Family fully involved in local sporting clubs
  • Positive move but things still tough - parents ageing and unable to visit back home regularly
  • Don't regret the move
  • Future is to keep working at the Numurkah Primary School and organising sports days

  • Gary Phillips spoke to the club on the craftmenship in making a Windsor Chair.
  • What is a Windsor Chair?
  • History - also known as a 'stick' chair from Welsh and Irish descent
  • First noted as a garden chair
  • The name Windsor is derived from the market town of Windsor in London where they were sent to be sent out
  • Many different patterns both modern and traditional
  • Gary went to Molong to a Windsor Chair making workshop for ten days
  • Very physically demanding work
  • Traditional workmanship skills utilised - no modern machinery
  • Gary played an informative video demonstrating the different techniques utilised to form the chairs
  • He also demonstrated the tools required for each part of the process (froe, pole lathe, auger, carving axe)
  • Utilise sight lines to get the angles of the chair legs (splay & rake)
  • Gary hand made all the tool handles as they do not ship them from UK with the tool heads

  • Bruce McNair guest speaker.
  • Being a Rotarian is special.
  • Ability to build networks, excellent reputation and leverage for projects with
  • arian is special Global Grants
  • Mosquitos are the #1 killer in the world
  • 3.2 billion people over 97 countries are affected
  • The annual death rate is 405,000
  • Of these 67% are children < 5yrs
  • Malaria is a preventable disease
  • Government initiatives focus on prophylaxis medications for soldiers and travellers, diagnostic tests and vaccinations
  • Rotarians Againist Malaria (RAM) focus on long lasting insecticide treated nets, indoor residual spraying, space spraying and sugar baits
  • RAM is looking for contributions to project by purchasing nets, donating BBQ proceeds etc
The av cost per net is >$10

Maynard Carlisle spoke to the Rotary Club on his time with the National Survey, travelling every state and PNG over 5 years.
With HQ in Melbourne, groups of up to 10 with a qualified surveyor plus technical assistants and field assistants would set out with equipment, swags and food for up to a year, mapping Australia.
Some mapping and surveying not done since Captain Cook.
Maynard showed a slide presentation illustrating the extreme conditions from desert in the outback to mountains and jungle in PNG with pictures of working parties in these conditions.

Jeff Blackley from the Numurkah Historical Society spoke to the Rotary Club on the 150th Anniversary of the gazetting of Numurkah and Wunghnu as towns.
The Historical Society facilitated two public meetings last year and set-up a planning committee to celebrate the 150th Anniversary. A further public meeting was held this year to report progress.
People in area before town gazetted, Bangerang clan of the first nations people and squatters, part of the Ulupna Strathmerton West Run.
After gold rush government unlocked the land with the 1869 Land Act. Land broken up and could be selected, being leased for 2-3 years and improvements made before land could be purchased.
Start of closer settlement with towns growing to provide supplies and in 1875 Colonial Government officially gazetted Numurkah and Wunghnu townships.
Six years later railway came through with Numurkah the terminus resulting in the establishment of nine hotels.
Historical Society facilitating planning with a distinct logo created from ideas suggested by school students.
Main weekends of celebrations.
Saturday 8th: Heritage Day at showgrounds featuring a parade of horses and wagons, Cobb & Co Coach and heritage crafts and trades, folk band, wood chop and video presentation.
Sunday 9th: Picnic Lunch Rotary Park, dig up time capsule. Afternoon open sessions at schools, Historical Society, combined church service.
Easter: Catch-up, similar to a back-to.
Throughout the year, town's major events incorporate 150th celebrations.
Legacy projects include footbridge over creek, hospital memorial wall, Historical Society signs down main street and mural on water tower.
Seeking Rotary involvement:
  • Man power on the Saturday and Sunday.
  • Dig up time-capsule.
  • BBQ on Sunday at picnic lunch.
  • Collect items and re-bury time-capsule.
  • Painting of train and tractors.
  • Possibility on engraved bricks.
  • Art Show to include prize for historical photo and painting.

Bill Masters guest speaker at Rotary meeting spoke on his life.
Born in 1968, lived in Koonoomoo, Yarroweyah, Katunga and for last 30 years Numurkah.
Attended Katunga Primary, Numurkah High School and Assumption College in Kilmore.
Employed by Kraft for 20 1/2 years, with shift of production of Philadelphia Cheese made redundant, with full entitlements.
Always interested in sound and video, started filming weddings, deb balls, horses to go to auction.
Enjoyed working from home and being part of the life of his boys growing up.
During COVID pandemic with caps on attendance at funerals, streaming of funerals became the norm. The popularity of streaming funerals has been on-going since the pandemic.
During pandemic employed by Cardwells as a host on bus trips, moving on to driving school buses.
Now driving school buses for Holmes.
Doing what he loves, video and school buses.

In keeping with the fun and variety introduced by President Julie Andrew throughout the year, the annual Changeover Meeting was no exception.
Themed as a flight to Hawaii, on-board entertainment was provided by the Numurkah Ukelele Club, with a Hawaiian inspired meal.
Outgoing President Julie Andrew in her report said she was filled with a sense of pride and gratitude. Together, we have made meaningful impact in our community and beyond.
District Governor Neta Kirby presented Faye Holmes with a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of her service to the annual 4WD Trip.
Club Community Service Director, Geoff Holmes announced the Rotary Community Service Award was being awarded to Leanne Rawson who has been involved in many facets of our local community. Leanne is a teacher at St Joseph’s Primary School and, as her profession denotes, it would be nigh on impossible not to be an integral part of the community development.
After taking a position at St Joseph’s Leanne returned to the sport arena, playing A grade netball, touch football and soccer. In 2021 Leanne started a Park Run, which continues to be run weekly,
Vocational Service Director, Jeff Buzza presented the Vocational Service Award to Ian Tilley for his excellent work as a teacher at Numurkah Secondary College, where he is responsible for our next generation of trades people.
Ian began his career as a machinist, Ian moved progressively into more and more time at Numurkah Secondary College, gaining his Dip.Ed., and has been full time for a number of years.
In conclusion Jeff said, “If I had to describe Ian in a few words, they would be, firm, calm, fair and skilled, excellent qualities for a teacher”.
District Governor, Neta Kirby then inducted incoming President, Linda Boyd.
Linda in her address spoke on the Rotary International theme for 2024-25, ‘The Magic of Rotary”
The magic could be the over 1.4 million Rotarian in the world, perhaps the near eradication of Polio in the world, or supporting the eradication of malaria. Maybe it’s the myriads of international projects which work tirelessly to aid countries and individuals in dire need.
What makes Rotary Magic – quite simply - Rotary members. Linda said "I would like our club to be vibrant and fun, a club for Numurkah Township to view with pride. We will be listening to local people in our community, we will learn what please them, as well as what is lacking and what is required. We will continue to evolve, think outside the box, because any idea is better than no idea! We have a dynamic club, a great work ethic, and we are a team".
Linda then introduced her Board. Photographed left to right, Chris Sutton Secretary, Chris Hardham President Elect, Stephen Mills Treasurer, Geoff Holmes Community Service, Jennifer Rodger International, Jeff Buzza Vocational Service, Julie Andrew Public Relations, Terry Brennan Seargent. Missing Kate Hodge Membership and Michael Tymensen Youth/New Generations.

Revd. Gunnar Rippon was guest speaker, locum priest in residence Anglican Parish of Numurkah-Nathalia.
Gunnar explained the name Gunnar was not a nickname but a Swedish name from his father's side.
Born in 1943 in N.E. England, eldest of three boys. Educated locally, becoming a builder's laborer after finishing school. Joined the London Metropolitan Police Force and served for 2 years before returning to Northumberland to be married in 1965. Studied to be a mining surveyor. In 1968 flew to Australia. Taken around Australia in mining industry, Pine Creek, Cairns, Tasmania, and Western Australia.
Served a 3 year contract in Zambia. After serving in mining industry from 1968 to 1997 was retrenched.
Called to be a priest, priested on 3rd June 2001 in Bunbury. Priestly life took him from W.A. to S.A., QLD, Southern Victoria then Shepparton.
Serving in the Diocese of Wangaratta, assistant priest in Shepparton, locum priest, including Numurkah in 2018, them Beechworth before coming back to Numurkah for three years.
Many highlights including abseiling as a bonding exercise, gave a great adrenaline rush.
In Zambia copper mines working 6,000 feet underground, air so hot had to be refrigerated.
Policeman in London highlight was attending boxing match between Cassius Clay and Henry Cooper in Wembly Stadium.
Another highlight was crossing the Nullarbor towing a caravan and breaking down three times, each time stranded in Kalgoorlie, instead of trip taking days the trip took 2 1/2 weeks,
As a priest, privileged to be priested in Bunbury, then becoming Dean of the cathedral before moving to S.A. then caravaning around Australia as a locum priest.
Enjoy living in Numurkah.

The community bus, a joint project of the Rotary Club of Numurkah and NCN Health, supported by the community was on display.

Heather Kelly spoke to the Rotary Club beginning by saying will not talk about herself but the influence of Numurkah community and individuals on her life.
Arrived in 1972 from Gippsland to a better climate. Husband Shaun joined the cricket club then football club finding sporting clubs hospitality was a great way to meet people.
Through the Katunga South Primary School met families in the district.
Believe the Soldier Settlement Scheme influenced the development and community spirit of Numurkah.
Gained retail experience working for Marj for Fashion and Barbara's fashion shops.
In 1977 worked for Numurkah Leader doing accounts and wrapping papers. When a journalist retired decided to try out for the job.
Regretting not having passed matriculation enrolled in night school at Numurkah High School. Undertook a crash course in English and politics where Betty Moore opened the joy of study and also studied economics by correspondence.
Under editor Lorna Morris, learnt the true definition of deadline stress. Learnt work ethic and the ability to work long hours, if necessary, from Lorna who did everything by example.
Although a male dominated workplace the Leader was a wonderful place to work. Reporting on council meetings leaned how a good solid community works.
In 1979 began a 12-year business partnership in Rag Denn with Pamela Cowan, Pamela the accountant and herself the retail experience. Solidarity of Numurkah gave customers.
Wanting to improve their place of work, joined the Chamber of Commerce to lobby and work with council, learning event management.
After Pam retired continued business for 20 years.
Retirement lasted two weeks beginning to work at McPherson's then Leader, taking on sales and advertising.
Watched Rotary and Lions and as Secretary of Men's Shed and saw the contribution given to the community.
Heather concluded by challenging Rotary to find someone to come up with advice on volunteerism. Where to from here? How do we engage younger local people? How to get a system to attract, as every voluntary group needs to know.

The inaugural Lift the Lid Walk for mental health was very successful, supported by individuals, families and dogs.
Jan Stevens captivated members of the Rotary Club whilst telling her life journey.
Gandparents, Dougal and Bertie Elliott came to Numurkah in 1948 as licensees of the Shamrock Hotel. Mother and father were dairy farming on Gunbower Island, with mother choosing to come back to Numurkah to be with her parents when Jan was born.
Many happy holidays were spent in the Shamrock with grandparents and their friends.
Jan recalled at that time Numurkah had very deep gutters which had to be swept everyday. Fascinated by the guttersweeper, Nan bought Jan a little broom and she would proudly sweep the gutter with Mr. Bob Beswick,
 The shopkeepers all got to know Jan and she was well cared for wherever she went.
Eventually Jan and her mum came back to live with the grandparents in the hotel. A separated women bring a child to live in a hotel was not accepted by some at that time.
Jan told of some of her experiences living n the hotel.
Schooldays were wonderful, Numurkah Primary then Numurkah High School. Jan organises a reunion every 5 years.
In 1966 offered a job in the ANZ Bank, marrying in 1969, had to resign as married women were not permitted to work in the bank.
Offered a job at Heard Brother, with Gerald and Graeme Heard, John Weppner, Beryl Ingram and Karen Brown, they were happy days.
In 1975 things on the dairy farm took a downturn and applied for a job at the Yarroweyah Road House much to the horror of her mother.
In 1976 offered a job at Numurkah Primary School, walking out the door 30 years later. Going from Band-Aid lady, answering phones, and writing 3 cheques a month to managing a $2.5 million budget. Jan loved every minute of those 30 years, saying that if you love what you are doing, you'll never work a day in your life.
Happily married for 55 years, with 2 children and five grandchildren.
Now retired play golf, read and volunteer driver for Royal Flying Doctor community transport, the most fulfilling thing in her life.
Jan said she considers herself blessed to claim Numurkah as my home.

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Feb 04, 2025